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E-commerce in Cambodia


E-commerce is rapidly transforming shopping and business in Cambodia. But local players face challenges in competing with global giants entering the arena.


  • Overview: E-commerce is booming in Cambodia, projected to hit $1 billion by 2025. Rising internet access has led to embrace of online shopping, especially by younger demographics.

  • Historical Context: Traditional shopping has been in-person and relationship-based. E-commerce brings a paradigm shift, allowing convenience and choice.

  • Current Status: E-commerce growth is over 20% annually. However, local players lacking resources and expertise are vulnerable to larger global competitors.

Operating in Cambodia​

  • Overview: Limited logistics and lack of trust in online payments are key operational hurdles. Last-mile delivery and returns remain challenging.

  • Challenges: Local players grapple with lack of talent, digital skills and funds to build robust ecosystems. Customer service often lags global standards.

  • Real-world Implications: Global players can disrupt the market rapidly with better infrastructure, service and choice. Local businesses may lose out.

  • Capacity Development: Building logistics networks, digital capabilities, customer service and online payment systems are vital needs.

Growth Strategies​

  • Future Predictions: E-commerce to become ubiquitous in Cambodia. Fierce competition between local and global firms imminent.

  • Innovative Solutions: Partnerships to improve logistics, skilling programs, leveraging influencers for promotion, and adopting global best practices.

  • Recommendations: Invest in talent, technology and customer service. Build trust and convenience. Don't cling to old business models. Adapt quickly and creatively.

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